
Is There Any Benefit For Making An Android App In C++

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fun main() {     val name = "stranger"        // Declare your first variable     println("Hi, $name!")        // ...and use it!     print("Current count:")     for (i in 0..10) {           // Loop over a range from 0 to 10         print(" $i")     } }

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Why Kotlin

Modern, concise and safe programming language

Easy to pick up, so you can create powerful applications immediately.

  • Concise

                            data class Employee(    val name: String,    val email: String,    val company: String ) // + automatically generated equals(), hashCode(), toString(), and copy()  object MyCompany {                                // A singleton    const val name: String = "MyCompany" }  fun main() {                                      // Function at the top level    val employee = Employee("Alice",               // No `new` keyword       "",    println(employee) }                                              
  • Safe

                            fun reply(condition: Boolean): String? =          // Nullability is part of Kotlin's type system    if (condition) "I'm fine" else null  fun error(): Nothing =                            // Always throw an exception    throw IllegalStateException("Shouldn't be here")  fun main() {    val condition = true                        // Try replacing `true` with `false` and run the sample!    val message = reply(condition)              // The result is nullable    // println(message.uppercase())             // This line doesn't compile    println(message?.replace("fine", "okay"))   // Access a nullable value in a safe manner    if (message != null) {                      // If you check that the type is right,    println(message.uppercase())                // the compiler will smart-cast it for you }  val nonNull: String =                             // If the null-case throws an error,    reply(condition = true) ?: error()             // Kotlin can infer that the result is non-null    println(nonNull) }                                              
  • Expressive

                            fun main() { //sampleStart    val map = mapOf(1 to "one", 2 to "two")    for ((k, v) in map) {                            // Traverse a map or a list of pairs        println("$k -> $v")    }     fun obtainKnowledge() = Pair("The Answer", 42)   // Single-expression functions     val (description, answer) = obtainKnowledge()    // Destructure into a pair of two variables    println("$description: $answer")         getText()?.let {                                 // Apply an action to a nullable expression       sendEmailTo("", it)          // if it's not null     }     createEmptyWindow()       .apply {                                    // Configure properties of an object          width = 300          height = 200          isVisible = true       }.also { w ->                               // Perform an additional operation on a call chain          showWindow(w)       }     val fixedIssue = issueById["13456"]        ?.takeIf { it.status == Status.FIXED }       // Use the value only if the condition is true    println(fixedIssue) //sampleEnd }  data class Window(var width: Int, var height: Int, var isVisible: Boolean)  fun createEmptyWindow() = Window(0, 0, false)  fun showWindow(window: Window) {    println("Showing $window") }  fun getText(): String? = "Hi! You've won the lottery! Pay the attached bill to get the prize." fun sendEmailTo(to: String, message: String) {    println("Sending email to $to: \n$message") }  enum class Status { OPEN, FIXED, IN_PROGRESS } data class Issue(val status: Status) val issueById = mutableMapOf(    "13456" to Issue(Status.FIXED) )                                              
  • Interoperable

                              // Use any existing JVM library or framework // Call Kotlin code from Java without an issue  @SpringBootApplication class DemoApplication  fun main(args: Array<String>) {    runApplication<DemoApplication>(*args) }  @RestController class MessageResource {    @GetMapping    fun index(): List<Message> = listOf(       Message("1", "Hello!"),       Message("2", "Bonjour!"),       Message("3", "Privet!"),    ) }  data class Message(val id: String?, val text: String)                                                  
                              // Write Kotlin code, compile it to JavaScript, and run it in the browser // Use existing JavaScript APIs and libraries  import kotlinx.browser.window  fun main() {    val body = window.document.body     body?.innerHTML += "<b>Hello, <i>Kotlin</i></b>"     window.setInterval({       body?.innerHTML += "!"    }, 1000) }                                                  
                              // Use Kotlin wrappers to build applications with JavaScript frameworks such as React  import react.* import react.dom.* import kotlinx.html.js.onClickFunction  val counter = functionalComponent<Props> {    val (count, setCount) = useState(0)    button {       attrs.onClickFunction = { setCount(count + 1) }       +count.toString()    } }                                                  
  • Multiplatform

                              // Common // Declare signatures to use them in the common code // Provide platform-specific implementations in the platform modules expect fun randomUUID(): String  expect class PlatformSocket(        url: String ) {     fun openSocket(listener: PlatformSocketListener)     fun closeSocket(code: Int, reason: String)     fun sendMessage(msg: String) }  interface PlatformSocketListener {     fun onOpen()     fun onFailure(t: Throwable)     fun onMessage(msg: String)     fun onClosing(code: Int, reason: String) }                                                  
                              import java.util.*  actual fun randomUUID() = UUID.randomUUID().toString()  actual class PlatformSocket actual constructor(url: String) {    // Use okhttp3 in implementation }                                                  
                              // iOS import platform.Foundation.NSUUID  actual fun randomUUID(): String = NSUUID().UUIDString()  actual class PlatformSocket actual constructor(url: String) {    // Use platform.Foundation in implementation }                                                  
                              // JS // Use the `uuid` package from npm as dependency actual fun randomUUID(): String = uuidv4()   actual class PlatformSocket actual constructor(url: String) {    // Implementation on top of WebSockets }                                                  
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Is There Any Benefit For Making An Android App In C++


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