Aaron Ullmer

DVT Eclipse is the best IDE that I have used for HDL Design. It has all the major features that I would expect (code formatting, incremental compilation, easy navigation between modules, autocomplete, etc) and has significantly improved my coding efficiency. The tool is well worth the cost of the…

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October 26 - 27, 2021

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Design and Verification

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For SystemVerilog, Verilog, Verilog-AMS, VHDL, e Language, PSS. With UVM support.

Thumbnail for DVT Eclipse IDE

DVT Eclipse IDE

For design and verification engineers who are working with Verilog, SystemVerilog, Verilog AMS, VHDL, UPF, CPF, e Language, PSS, SLN, or SDL, the Design and Verification Tools (DVT) Eclipse IDE is an integrated development environment (IDE) that significantly improves productivity.

Unlike plain text editors providing regular expression based capabilities, the DVT Eclipse IDE compiles the code and signals errors as you type, speeds-up code writing using auto-complete and quick fix proposals, and allows you to find anything you are looking for instantly.

What the DVT Eclipse IDE can give you in seconds would likely have taken you several minutes or hours to find and do by hand.

It is similar to well-known programming tools like Visual Studio®, NetBeans®, and IntelliJ® that are commonly used in the software world.


  • Ensures higher quality development.
  • Simplifies debugging and legacy code maintenance.
  • Allows easy navigation through complex code.
  • Accelerates language and methodology learning.
  • Increases productivity and reduces time to market.
  • Speeds up code writing.

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Thumbnail for DVT Debugger

DVT Debugger Add-On

The DVT Debugger is an add-on module to the DVT Eclipse IDE. It integrates with all major simulators and provides advanced debugging capabilities.


  • Simplifies debugging.
  • Enhances the debugging context.
  • Speeds up debugging.
  • Eliminates unnecessary annoying operations.

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Thumbnail for Verissimo SystemVerilog Testbench Linter

Verissimo SystemVerilog Testbench Linter

Verissimo SystemVerilog Testbench Linter is a coding guideline and verification methodology compliance checker that enables engineers to perform a thorough audit of their testbenches.


  • Improves testbench code quality and reliability.
  • Prevents incorrect functionality and performance issues.
  • Automates coding guidelines checking, including UVM Compliance.
  • Simplifies code maintenance.
  • Identifies dead code and copy & paste code.
  • Accelerates language and methodology learning.
  • Ensures best coding practices are followed.
  • Speeds up bugfixing.

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Thumbnail for Specador Documentation Generator

Specador Documentation Generator

Specador is a tool that automatically generates accurate HTML documentation from the source code.


  • Generates well-organized and effective documentation.
  • Enables the documentation process automation.
  • Saves time and reduces maintenance costs.
  • Enhances IP packaging.
  • Encourages proper source code documentation.

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